Golf Bastide de la Salette à Marseille

Practical information for Bastide de la Salette : opening times, location and access

Opening hours, closing days and directions for Golf Bastide de la Salette golf club, restaurant and event venue in Marseille.

Opening hours

Golf Bastide de la Salette is open every day:
– 7.30 am to 7.00 pm (October to March)
– 7.00 am to 9.00 pm (April to September)

Golf club closing days

Golf Bastide de la Salette is open every day of the year except 25/12 and 1/1.

Getting there by car

Bastide de la Salette
65 Impasse des Vaudrans
13011 Marseille

Getting there by train

20 minutes by car from Marseille Saint-Charles station

Getting there by plane

30 minutes by car from Marseille Provence Airport


Golf Bastide de la Salette reception

Waiting list

This tournament is sold out. Complete your email and we will contact you if seats become available.

Thank you. We’ll get back to you as soon as there’s a spot available.
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